Take Your Seat at the Table

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Every Student in Utica is capable of achieving their dreams.

Connecting each student to one more resource. Create programs, resources and connections to make sure Utica student EATS.



Share diverse success stories from alumni to teach students that their dreams are possible.



Provide connection to resources, programs, and tools to help students achieve their dreams.



Develop content, courses, and more to give students the tools and support they need to succeed.



Activate community partnerships to provide sustainable and ongoing support for Utica students.

Upcoming Events

Get involved in a variety of academic events happening in the area!

Get involved in a variety of sports & arts events happening in the area!

Get involved in a variety of cultural events happening in the area!

Alumni Directory

We’re building the first Raider Alumni Directory to connect current Raiders to alumni with college or career experiences similar to student’s interests. We’re also collecting Raider success stories to empower students with the knowledge that their dreams are possible! Get involved below!

Resource Directory

View our Resource Directory with 200+ local organizations to support your needs and goals!